ENT Health Blog

If I Was Dealing With Hearing Loss, How Could I Tell?

The last time you had dinner with family, you were rather aggravated. It wasn’t because of family crisis (this time). No, the problem was that you couldn’t hear anything over the boisterous noise of the room. So you didn’t hear the details about Nancy’s promotion, and you didn’t have the ability to ask about Todd’s […]

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Preparation for the 2022 Allergy Season

Ah, Spring! After a long winter, it’s wonderful to finally open those windows, take a deep breath of fresh air… and start sneezing. Okay, the sneezing part isn’t so great. But there’s no questioning the reality: allergy season is here. In general, allergy season goes from March through October of any given year. So, are […]

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The Surprising Connection Between Hearing Aids and Your Love Life

Intimacy isn’t usually the first thing that comes to mind when you think about hearing aids. We understand. These tiny devices are usually presented in very concrete terms. Less defined expressions like poetry, music, and art are more suited to the topic of love. And yet, the two are closely connected to the point where […]

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Do They Make Hearing Aids That Are Waterproof?

As a swimmer, you enjoy being in the water. The pool is like your second home (when you were younger, everybody said you were part fish–that’s how often you wanted to go swimming). The water seems a little…louder… than usual today. And then you recognize your oversight: you went in the pool with your hearing […]

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Early Indications of Oral Cancer

Each year more than 50,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer (oropharyngeal cancer). And that’s sad because oral cancers can have a fairly high rate of mortality. Most of these people are 60 or older old, but not all. Oral cancer isn’t very aggressive, so that isn’t why it has a high mortality rate. Instead, […]

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How to Choose Affordable Hearing Aids

Who doesn’t love finding a good bargain? But when it involves your health, be careful what you buy and pay attention to the little details. The names “hearing aid” and “hearing amplifier” may seem similar but they are actually completely different devices. And making the wrong selection could have important implications for your hearing and […]

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Cannabinoids and Tinnitus – What’s the Connection?

Public opinion surrounding marijuana and cannabinoids has transformed significantly over the last several decades. Cannabinoids, marijuana, and THC products are now allowed for medical usage in many states. Far fewer states have legalized pot for recreational reasons, but even that would have been unimaginable even just ten or fifteen years ago. Cannabinoids are any compounds […]

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You May Have Forgotten to Schedule This Yearly Visit

Even if you have glasses (the kind you put on your face, not the kind you fill with liquid), you still see your eye doctor yearly, right? Because, over time, your eyes change. Similar to the rest of your body, your eyes aren’t static and neither are your ears. That’s why, even after you’ve invested […]

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