ENT Health Blog

What’s the Difference Between Affordable and Cheap Hearing Aids?

Finding a bargain just feels good, right? Getting a good deal can be invigorating, and more rewarding the better the bargain. It’s a little too easy, then, to make the price your primary criteria, to always choose the least expensive option, to let your coupons make your consumer choices for you. When it comes to […]

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The Connection Between Hearing Loss and Diabetes

It’s true, hearing loss can catch you by surprise. But in some cases, hearing problems bypass the sneaking altogether, in favor of a sudden (and often startling), cat-like pounce. Here’s a hypothetical: You wake up one morning and go into the shower and when you get out you notice your hearing seems off or different. […]

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What is Meniere’s Disease?

The cause of Meniere’s is not well understood. But the effects are hard to underestimate. Ringing in the ears, dizziness, vertigo, and hearing loss are all typical symptoms of this disorder. Scientists aren’t really sure why, but for some reason, fluid can build up in the ears and this appears to be the underlying cause […]

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How Would I Know if I Had Throat Cancer?

It’s impossible to self-diagnose cancer. But it is certainly something you may worry about; you wouldn’t be the first to lose some sleep wondering whether your sore throat is caused by allergies or something more serious. Your symptoms can only be effectively diagnosed by your doctor. You should schedule an appointment as soon as possible […]

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This Valentine’s Day, Show Your Love in This Surprising Way

You care deeply about your loved ones and want to do something to show them? Really listen when your loved ones talk to you. But you need to be able to hear in order to really listen. Research shows one out of three adults between 65 and 74 is enduring hearing loss and millions would […]

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Present Day Hearing Aids Are Quite Sophisticated

It seems like all our devices are getting smarter, stronger, and more compact. Generally speaking, the trend is that devices have more features and take up less space. This is also true for hearing aids, and it’s not a surprise. The world’s population is getting older and hearing problems, though they can have many different […]

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Why do my Sinuses Keep Getting Infected?

Here comes the sneezing, runny nose, and headaches…..again. You can tell that it’s probably a sinus infection by that inflamed clogged feeling behind your nose. Repeated sinus infections (also called chronic sinusitis) can be a considerable problem for people that cope with them, resulting in miserable days in bed (and plenty of sick days). As […]

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