ENT Health Blog

Your Sinuses Can be Seriously Affected by Environmental Allergens

You know those typical cold symptoms? Sneezing, runny noses, fevers, that kind of thing. Turns out, the majority of these symptoms are not caused by the cold virus itself. Actually, your body’s immune response creates these symptoms as a by-product. Strange though it may seem, a fever is only one tool in your body’s toolbox, […]

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Your General Health Can be Affected by Hearing Loss – Here Are 4 Ways

Let’s face it, there’s no escape from aging, and with it usually comes hearing loss. You can take some steps to look younger but you’re still getting older. But you may not know that numerous treatable health conditions have also been associated with hearing loss. Here’s a look at some examples, #2 may come as […]

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Tinnitus Might be Invisible but its Impact Can be Significant

In the movies, invisibility is a powerful power. Whether it’s a mud-covered hero, a cloaked spaceship, or a sneaky ninja, invisibility allows people in movies to be more effective and, often, achieve the impossible. Invisible health disorders, regrettably, are equally as potent and a lot less fun. As an example, tinnitus is a very common […]

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The Synergy of Hearing Aids and AI

You might think of your favorite sci-fi movie when somebody starts talking about artificial intelligence (AI). But today, AI is a reality that we all better get accustomed to. With regard to hearing aids, this is especially true. The days when hearing aids simply increased the volume and were one-size-fits-all are gone forever. AI is […]

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Regular Hearing Tests are Essential: Stay Tuned in to Life’s Sounds

Hearing loss is typically a gradual process, making it easy to overlook the subtle changes in your ability to hear sounds. Unlike children, who get regular hearing tests in school, adults rarely even consider scheduling an appointment. So why would your hearing be any less critical than your vision? It’s important to have routine hearing […]

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What is Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty – What is it?

You ever have one of those dreams where you’re back in grade-school, maybe as a contestant in a spelling bee? Everybody but you and one other person is out of the competition. And then… the judges give you your word: uvulopalatopharyngoplasty. And no degree of practice could have readied you for this one. That’s one […]

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Can Your Hearing be Damaged by Earbuds?

Have you ever misplaced your earbuds? (Or, maybe, accidentally left them in the pocket of a pullover that went through the laundry?) Suddenly, your morning jog is a million times more boring. Your commute or bus ride is dreary and dull. And the audio quality of your virtual meetings suffers considerably. Often, you don’t realize […]

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Hearing Aids: What Users Really Think, and Why You Should Pay Attention

The majority of individuals who wear hearing aids are pleased with their experience: Based upon one recent survey, when speaking one-on-one, 91% of individuals who use hearing aids are pleased with their experience. When talking about particular activities, 85% were satisfied in a group setting and watching TV, 78% while shopping, and 75% in a […]

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Improve Mental Function Using These 5 Enjoyable Activities

As your body ages, it’s not hard to detect the changes. Your skin begins to develop some wrinkles. Your hair turns gray (or falls out). Your knees start to hurt a little bit more. Your skin gets a little saggy in places. Perhaps your eyesight and your hearing both start to diminish a bit. These […]

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Hearing Test Audiograms and How to Understand Them

Measuring hearing loss is more technical than it might at first seem. You can probably hear certain things clearly at lower volumes but not others. Most letters may sound clear at any volume but others, like “s” and “b” may get lost. When you figure out how to understand your hearing test it becomes clearer […]

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