How do You Know When it’s Time to Get Hearing Aids?

Knowing when you require some medical advice is typically fairly easy. When you break a bone, for example, you know you should go to the doctor (or the emergency room, depending on the scenario). With scenarios like this, simply “toughing it out” isn’t a possibility. If you want your bones to mend properly, you need […]

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The Danger of Falls and How Hearing Aids Can Help

When you’re a kid, falling is just a part of life. Taking a tumble on your bicycle? That’s normal. Getting tripped up while sprinting across the yard. Also pretty typical. Kids are pretty limber so, no big deal. They don’t usually stay down for very long. As you grow older though, that becomes less and […]

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The Synergy of Hearing Aids and AI

You might think of your favorite sci-fi movie when somebody starts talking about artificial intelligence (AI). But today, AI is a reality that we all better get accustomed to. With regard to hearing aids, this is especially true. The days when hearing aids simply increased the volume and were one-size-fits-all are gone forever. AI is […]

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Hearing Aids: What Users Really Think, and Why You Should Pay Attention

The majority of individuals who wear hearing aids are pleased with their experience: Based upon one recent survey, when speaking one-on-one, 91% of individuals who use hearing aids are pleased with their experience. When talking about particular activities, 85% were satisfied in a group setting and watching TV, 78% while shopping, and 75% in a […]

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Summertime is Hearing Aid Time!

Have you ever woken up after a night’s sleep and heard birds singing a pleasant song through your open window? Most individuals probably aren’t even aware that those bird songs are called the “dawn chorus”. For whatever reason, birds see the sun rising and decide to start singing their favorite songs. The songs of these […]

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You’re Taking Chances if You Opt For Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids

Do you recall those gallon buckets of ice cream you used to find at supermarkets? An entire gallon of ice cream, yum! But you begin to become more particular in your taste as you mature. Your ice cream preferences become more specialized and you have a tendency to go for your favorite brand. Those smaller […]

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Do I Need to Have my Hearing Aid Professionally Repaired?

You go out of your way to ensure your hearing aids are well cared for. Cleaning them daily, you make sure they are safe and comfortable on their charger when you go to sleep. But you get pretty distressed when your hearing aids suddenly stop working the way they did once. Fortunately, there are a […]

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Isn’t it Time You Thought About a Hearing Aid Upgrade?

If you’re still using your older hearing aids, they may be better than no hearing aids, but they also could be costing you in some ways. Hearing aid technology has progressed a great deal in the past few years! It’s changed to digital from analog, for one thing, and there are features now that weren’t […]

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The History of Hearing Aids

There are three sorts of people out there: people who find history to be amazingly interesting, people who think history is terribly boring, and those who think history is full of aliens. The history of hearing aids is not about aliens (sorry not sorry). But the real story is probably pretty strange as well. After […]

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