How to Treat Allergies

Everybody around you celebrates when the weather changes and the sun begins to shine. But for you, thanks to the runny nose, sneezing, and watery eyes of your seasonal allergies, it’s not so fun. Here’s the good news, getting back to doing the things you love is a simple matter of treating your allergies. There […]

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Do I Just Have a Sore Throat or is it Tonsillitis?

Everything from a cold to dry air to allergies or even tonsillitis can cause the incredibly common symptom of a sore throat. The question is: How can you tell when it’s time to call us for an appointment or if you just need to turn on your humidifier? There can be significant repercussions if you […]

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Do I Have Sleep Apnea? How do I Know?

We often consider snoring as not much of a big deal, annoying at worst. But there’s a potentially dangerous disorder called sleep apnea which commonly has snoring as a symptom. Sleep apnea is a disorder that obstructs the air passages. Still feeling exhausted even after a good night’s sleep is common for people with sleep […]

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