Hearing Tests: Types, Facts, & Results

Self-diagnosing hearing loss is pretty much impossible. For example, you can’t actually put your ear up to a speaker and effectively evaluate what you hear. So getting a hearing test will be crucial in understanding what’s going on with your hearing. Now, before you begin sweating or fidgeting anxiously, it’s significant to mention that the […]

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Seven Clear Signs You Should Have Your Hearing Evaluated

Bananas taste much different then they did in the past. There are rather different varieties of bananas being cultivated nowadays by banana farmers. These new bananas sprout faster, are more resilient, and can thrive in a wider variety of climates. They don’t taste the same either. So why haven’t you noticed the great banana exchange? […]

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When Was the Last Time You Got a Hearing Exam?

It’s hard to believe but most individuals have gone over ten years without getting a hearing test. Harper is one of them. She reports to her doctor for her annual medical exam and has her teeth cleaned every six months. She even replaces her timing belt every 6000 miles. But her hearing test typically gets […]

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Are There Some Symptoms of Hearing Loss That Should Throw up Red Flags?

Hearing loss is usually an aggravating condition that can be caused by a variety of things. Although hearing loss is often caused by age or an injury, in some situations, hearing loss may be an indication of a more severe root medical condition. These are some hearing loss red flags you should watch for There […]

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You May Have Forgotten to Schedule This Yearly Visit

Even if you have glasses (the kind you put on your face, not the kind you fill with liquid), you still see your eye doctor yearly, right? Because, over time, your eyes change. Similar to the rest of your body, your eyes aren’t static and neither are your ears. That’s why, even after you’ve invested […]

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