Your Sinuses Can be Seriously Affected by Environmental Allergens

Woman suffering from seasonal allergies sneezing in handkerchief at autumn

You know those typical cold symptoms? Sneezing, runny noses, fevers, that kind of thing. Turns out, the majority of these symptoms are not caused by the cold virus itself. Actually, your body’s immune response creates these symptoms as a by-product. Strange though it may seem, a fever is only one tool in your body’s toolbox, created to safeguard you from viruses and bacteria.

Your immune system is pretty great! It keeps you healthy when you would otherwise be overrun by germs. But your immune system doesn’t always get things 100% right. Sometimes, all those antibodies detect something harmless and confuse it for a viral enemy.

All sorts of things can trigger allergic reactions in people: dust, cats, nuts, root beer, you name it. Symptoms usually related to a cold may, in fact, be the consequence of environmental allergens. Environmental allergies are especially tricky because they’re part of your environment (hence the name) and you breathe them in. Your sinuses can be devastated because of this and with them, your peace of mind.

Symptoms of seasonal allergies

When your immune system identifies something as a threat, an allergic reaction occurs. Whether that’s mold, pollen, or animal dander, your immune system will then fire up its defenses. This will produce some of those common symptoms for the majority of individuals. Here are a few of the most prevalent:

  • Hives
  • Stuffy nose
  • Eyes that are itchy or red or watery
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Dark circles under your eyes
  • Coughing and wheezing
  • An itchy nose
  • Feeling tired all the time
  • Postnasal drip

As you can see, the symptoms can be extensive. These symptoms can also vary considerably from individual to individual. Your friend Susan might sneeze when near cats; your pal Bruce might start coughing. But there’s a reason why sneezing is such a well-known symptom, among others.

Allergy symptom causes

A wide variety of substances, known as “allergens”, can trigger environmental allergies. Here are a few examples of prevalent allergens:

  • Dust: The majority of homes have more dust than you may think. Allergic reactions can be triggered either by this dust itself or by other allergens that the dust might carry. It’s a good reason to keep your house clean!
  • Pet dander: It’s not typically the fur on your dog or cat that triggers your allergic reactions: it’s their dander. This is especially true because dander is light and can go up into the air. Pet dander can lead to all of those allergy symptoms if you have allergies to it.
  • Dust mites: Dust mites are little bugs that feed on dust. They’re usually totally harmless. But you can end up with a runny nose, sneezing, and possibly even some wheezing when they trigger an allergic response.
  • Pollen: This is a substantial culprit of seasonal allergies. Seasonally, these microspores are discharged by things like grasses, weeds, and trees. If you aren’t allergic to them, they’re harmless. Most pollens only go a small distance and remain fairly local. But types of pollen can grab a ride on the wind and travel for miles. So even if you don’t see anything green near you, you could still have an allergic reaction to pollen.

These are only a couple of the environmental allergens out there. Lots of these categories can be sorted even further (just because you’re allergic to oak tree pollen doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have a reaction to pine tree pollen, for instance).

How do I know if I have allergies?

So, you might have an idea about what you’re allergic to. But the only way to be sure is to get examined by your doctor. An allergy diagnosis can be achieved in a couple of ways. The two most prevalent are:

  • Blood testing: Your provider will look for specific markers in your blood that indicate an allergic response.
  • Pin prick test: Your skin will be gently pricked with suspected allergens and your doctor will watch to see if there’s a reaction. Usually, this method is the most dependable. It can produce some itching, but that’s a standard part of the test.

You will always need to go see your doctor for an official diagnosis. And best of all, you’ll always know precisely what you’re allergic to.

Treating allergies

Regrettably, allergic reactions are not really something that can be cured. But there are three standard approaches to treating them.


If you can reduce your exposure to triggers and allergens, you might be able to prevent the onset of symptoms. Inside, this means keeping the air clean, keeping mold in check, and vacuuming frequently (especially if pet dander is a problem). Also, consider brushing your pets regularly and being mindful about how you dry clothes (an indoor drying system is better than an outdoor one).

Outdoors, this means checking the pollen count before you plan activities, and wearing a mask if necessary. Plan your adventures in the early morning or late evening when the pollen counts are lowest.

Short-term treatment

Managing symptoms can in some cases be achieved by using short-term medications, like antihistamines. With luck, these medications will offer some help when symptoms surface.

It’s never a great plan to continue to be on these medications over long periods like months or years and should only be used to get you through a day or a week.

Treating allergies over the long-term

One of the most successful long-term treatment options is something known as immunotherapy. If you’re allergic to cat dander, for instance, your doctor will expose you to a special preparation that consists of a tiny amount of cat dander.

It’s not enough to cause a reaction. But your immune system will still be able to begin to get Accustomed to managing that allergen. Each following injection will contain slightly more of the allergen. Over time your immune system can become successfully desensitized with this strategy.

It may take some months to get positive outcomes with this treatment. But you can be symptom free for many years once your immune system is desensitized to that allergen. Immunotherapy is obtainable in the form of allergy shots, liquid drops, or tablets.

You don’t have to suffer with allergies

If you have environmental allergies, there are likely some times of the year when you find yourself with a “cold” that just won’t go away. Well, it may not even be a cold! Environmental allergies can be particularly problematic because they’re so prevalent that they’re hard to get away from.

You don’t need to be suffering simply because you have environmental allergies. After all, recurring allergy symptoms can lead to sinus infections or repeated sinus infections. Managing allergy symptoms is the best way to avoid all this.

Want respite from environmental allergies? Schedule an appointment with us and learn about your options.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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